Category  |  gratefulness

stay hungry

It’s often more difficult to stay on top than it is to get there. This is true in sports: A young boxer trains hard as he fights his way through the ranks, but once he wins a championship he becomes lazy and loses his title to a new, hungrier challenger. This is also true in business. A rising star puts in long hours as she climbs the corporate ladder, but she loses her edge when she begins to enjoy the wealth and privileges that come with her success.

He broke our fall

Last year, Brad Pitt was hobbling around with a cane after having torn his ACL—a ligament in his knee. He told reporters, “I was carrying my daughter down the hill and I slipped. It was either her or me” who would get hurt. Brad Pitt loved his daughter so much that took the brunt of the fall for her. Obviously, Pitt is not Jesus and tearing an ACL wasn’t death, but his sacrifice for his daughter is an illustration of the way Jesus sacrificed His life and carried wounds and death in His body for us. Jesus is the Good Shepherd (John 10:11).

November 19, 2012

What are you thankful for today?

enjoy God

The crewmembers of an international airline that makes a daily flight to Uganda stay at a hotel down the street from my home. During their 24 hours in the country, many of them visit my organization, Tukutana, and spend time with children in our programs. The guests often bring gifts. This past Friday, though, two women came empty-handed. Instead of…

all good things

Recently, I toured Bassett Hall, the home that John D. Rockefeller Jr. and his wife Abby purchased in Williamsburg, Virginia, in the 1930s. Upon the death of the famous philanthropist, the home was bequeathed to the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation—the foundation the Rockefellers had created for the purpose of restoring the many historical sites in the village.

The home was simply…

not mine to do

The idea was his, but he didn’t receive the credit. He drew the plans. He designed the furniture. He collected the materials. He made all the arrangements (1 Chronicles 22:1-6). But God didn’t respect David’s copyright. The first temple built in Jerusalem is known as Solomon’s temple.

King David’s desire to honor God is commendable, but the Lord said, “You…

remember to tell

Orion’s Belt is a prominent constellation in the night sky. I first took a special interest in this row of three bright stars during a time of great spiritual renewal in my life.

When I find myself looking up again at the trio of stars, I’m often taken back to the time in my spiritual journey where I experienced a…

poor or rich?

For the last several years, home prices have plummeted in different countries around the world. Russian billionaire Yuri Milner (who made much of his money investing in Groupon and Facebook), however, recently paid the highest price on record for any family home. Milner plopped down $100 million for a 25,500 square foot home in California’s Silicon Valley. The home boasts…

when love came to town

I have a friend whose tastes in music are as broad as it gets. Knowing that it could be anything from punk to classical, I once asked him about a song he was listening to on his iPod. Judging by the way he was swaying back and forth, I knew the song was speaking to his soul.

On this particular…

holding back

A frustrated female investment banker had a problem with her looks. It wasn’t that she felt unattractive. Au contraire. She believed that she was too good-looking to be effective at work. Her complaint went like this: “I feel [my beauty is] holding me back. Female colleagues distrust me, while male colleagues are drawn to me but don’t take me very seriously.…

early Mother's Day wishes

1. Mummy, your beauty makes you full,

because God made you beautiful.



2. Mom, the more I honour you,

the more I want to love you.



3. On this day, for each day that God has made,

I honour mum for things well done and said.



4. What…

fair wages

That’s not fair. Why did she get a raise and I didn’t? I do just as much work as she does!” “Why was he chosen to lead the project when I’ve been here longer?”

I should get what I deserve is a work ethic that many of us live by. So we easily identify with the first-called workers in the parable…

return of the King

Harold Camping received a lot of attention for declaring that Judgment Day would begin around dinnertime on May 21, 2011. Few people believed him—even his receptionist admitted that “no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen” (Matthew 24:36). The secular world had much fun at Camping’s expense, planning apocalyptic survival parties and playing R.E.M.’s rock song…

His gift

I am not a morning person, never have been. (Of course I am not a night person either.  Catch me mid-day.) :) Even if I was able to get a good night's sleep, I just don’t like getting out of bed in the morning. God has been dealing with me on this little issue.

Imagine your spouse or good friend buys…

promises and praise

Ever made a promise you didn’t keep? Yeah, me too. It makes me wince to think of my broken promises over the years. The shame comes from the realization that I had given my word to do something for someone and then backpedaled upon further review of what my vow would require of me. Ouch.

We’re all guilty of being…

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